overgrown hooves
Untrimmed Hooves
trimmed hooves
Trimmed Hooves

Overgrown hooves in zebu can cause a number of problems that can lead to lameness. One of the most obvious problems is discomfort, since the overgrown hoof is not properly shaped and forces the zebu to walk in a manner other than they should. Overgrown hooves are also prone to cracking, which opens up an area where bacteria can get into the system and cause infection.

When hooves are overgrown, they throw the entire leg off balance. Keeping hooves properly and professionally trimmed helps you avoid these problems and also allows your zebu to stand and move to the best of their ability.

 Trimming hooves is not an easy job and proper equipment is essential. You may choose to do the trimming yourself or to have a professional come in and do the job for you. BE CAREFUL as if you do the job yourself and are not properly experienced, you could really do harm to yourself and/or the zebu.

hoof trimming

If you hire a professional, they will more than likely come equipped with a chute or table which tips the zebu on its side and is either manual or huydraulic. They will also bring a grinder with a disk, leg restraint devices and an awful lot of knowledge of how to enhance your zebu’s appearance. The hoof trimmer may come to your place or you may need to go to their home. Talk to others in your area to find out who they may recommend.

If you choose to do this yourself, have a proper table for tipping the zebu and proper leg restraint devices.

Tables can be purchased from many sources and will last a long time if maintained properly.