VP Ashley Thompson

Ashley lives in the Heartland of Iowa with her boyfriend, Michael, their cat, Harley and they have a cow/calf herd. Ashely is employed at Iowa State University and as a part of her position she helps to maintain one of the Universities main databases. Ashley and Michael are very active members of the Story County Cattleman’s Association and Story County Farm Bureau. They both have helped local FFA students show cattle at their local County Fair, as well other events. Funds from their cookouts and other fundraisers throughout the year help County FFA classes and help cover costs for fair activities. They just started calving February 17th this year after a night of receiving 8 inches of snow and temps below zero. The little heifer came 3 weeks earlier than anticipated starting their spring calving season off with a bang. They absolutely love being involved with Animal Agriculture and attempt to be positive advocates whenever they can.